Technical data

Autostar IP
To alter the print setting on a printer, highlight the printer in the Installed Printers window and select the
Setup button. The printer’s control dialog will open an allow you to modify its settings. Finally, if the
desired printer is not the systems Default Printer, user the Set Default Printer button to assign it as the
system default. Remember this change will also affect any other program started after the change has
been made.
The most common use of Printer Setup is to allow change between B&W or Color, or portrait and
landscape printing formats.
Page Setup
Selecting Page Setup allows you to customize the page to include headers, footers and set margins. You
can also select a border.
Shuts down Meade Autostar IP in an orderly fashion and returns to the Windows Manager. If there are
any modified files opened, you will be prompted to save those files.