Instruction manual

Using APWeb
APWeb Instruction Manual
Navigating the XBar Controller
The crosspoint images in the XBars crossbar field represent the intersections of the input channels and
the output channels.
VM title block – click to open the VM Selection Pad to change the virtual matrix or update
system status
Input channels (on left) – indicate the numbers of the source channels
Output channels (on top) – indicate the numbers of the destination channels
Blue crosspoint – blue indicates that there is no active signal; click to route the signal
(the crosspoint will remain blue if the switch is not completed)
Red crosspoint – red indicates an actively routed signal; click to disconnect
Cursor over crosspoint – move over I/O pairs to display channel numbers
Executing & Disconnecting Switches on the XBar
Use the following directions to control the routing system from the APWeb site.
To execute or disconnect switches with the XBar:
From any page in the site, click the Controller link.
The XBar launches.
2. Optional (to change virtual matrix) – Click the VM title block in the upper left corner.
The VM Selection Pad dialog box opens.
3. From the VM list, select the new virtual matrix.
4. Close the VM Selection Pad.
VM title block
Input channels
Output channels
Crossbar field with blue
Cursor shows crosspoint
I/O pair numbers
& red crosspoints
Status bar
Select VM
(virtual matrix)
from list