Instruction manual

Initial APWeb Setup by Network Admin
APWeb Instruction Manual
3. Right click on the output channel (e.g., O_Ch:0004) needing adjustment.
The Audio Control dialog box opens.
4. Move the slider to adjust the volume (up increases; down decreases) or click the Mute button to
mute or unmute.
5. Close the Audio Control dialog box.
6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 as necessary for additional outputs.
Adjusting Input Gain
The purpose of “Input Gain Control” is to allow input (source) signals of varying amplitudes to be
equalized before they are routed and the volume is adjusted. Equalizing input signals provides a
consistent reference for volume adjustments and eliminates jumps in audio level when routing a new
input to an output.
Typical uses for input gain (the nominal level of the signal from the source device) include switching
consumer and professional grade audio equipment (whose levels can vary noticeably) in the same matrix
switcher. Input gain adjustment is also used for equalizing amplitudes between balanced and unbalanced
source inputs.
Caution: We strongly recommend that input gain adjustments be made only by a qualified dealer or
The input gain feature must be enabled (see page 11) for use in APWeb. After audio adjustments are
made, we recommend that you disable this feature so the user cannot change the settings (the adjusted
settings will remain in effect until the audio is enabled again and new adjustments are made).
The following steps tell how to adjust input gain as part of the process of equalizing input levels.
To adjust input gain:
From any page in the site, click the Controller link.
The XBar launches.
2. Check to be sure the VM supports audio operations. If not, you will need to change the virtual
matrix (see page 18).
3. Route a source (input) to the desired destination (output) by clicking the desired I/O crosspoint.