Computer Network Router User Manual

checkbox for 6-7
correcting misrecognized text in 6-29
defined 6-1
drawing input 6-8
duplicating in 6-31
editing of 6-8, 6-21
erasing text or shapes in 6-24
error handling for 6-37
expanding text input line for 6-11
general input 6-14
ink text in 6-18
input field for 6-1
inserting space in 6-26
inserting text in 6-27
keyboard keys for 6-34
labeled input line for 6-10
paragraph input for 6-12
picker for 6-3
radio button for 6-6
recognition in 6-15, 6-18, 6-19
removing extra space in 6-31
replacing text in 6-29
scrolling list for 6-4
selecting text and shapes in 6-22
shape input 6-13
simple input line for 6-9
slider for 6-7
tapping for 6-3
text input 6-8
typing for 6-32
writing for 6-8
date input 6-8
date picker 4-17
date searches 8-8
deferred recognition 6-18
Delete command 4-26, 7-12
del key 6-35
diamond 3-4, 4-7
direct manipulation, as design principle 1-6
display order, view 2-28
display orientation
button spacing 3-13
changing 1-12
picker alignment 4-9
Rotate button 3-30
view size 2-34
divider bar. See separator bar
drag handle 2-33
drawer 2-26, 2-33
drawing 6-8
drop shadow. See shadow
Duplicate command 4-26, 7-12
shapes 6-14
techniques 6-21
text 6-9
Effective 1-4
ellipsis 6-5
list picker 4-3
overview 2-45
scrolling list 6-5
status slip 2-21
text input 6-8
E-mail command 4-26, 7-11
erasing text or shapes 6-24
error handling 6-37
expanding text input line 6-11
expando 6-11
Extras Drawer 5-6, 8-29
Fax command 4-26
as design principle 1-7
busy cursor 8-2
button 3-9