Data Sheet

Lesson 5 Active Buzzer
In this lesson, you will learn how to generate a sound with an active buzzer.
Components Required
Name Qty Name Qty
UNO R3 or MEGA 2560 1 1KΩ Resistor 1
Active Buzzer 1 NPN Transistor (S8050) 1
Breadboard 1 DuPont Wire 10
Component Introduction
A buzzer or beeper is a device which can generate audio. An active buzzer will
generate a tone using an internal oscillator, so all that is needed is a DC voltage.
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals
and electrical power. The transistor can also be used to control the circuit conductive
or disconnected. And the transistor is divided into two kinds, one is NPN like S8050,
another one is PNP like S8550.