Data Sheet

Lesson 8 7-segment display
In this lesson, you will learn how to program the UNO R3 or MEGA 2560 board to control the
segment display.
Components Required
Name Qty Name Qty
UNO R3 or MEGA 2560 1 220Ω Resistor 1
7-Segment Display 1 DuPont Wire 9
Breadboard 1
Component Introduction
The seven-segment display is a type of electronic display device for displaying
decimal numbers compared to the more complex dot matrix displays. The seven-
segment display is an 8-shaped LED display device composed of eight LEDs
(including a decimal point), these segments respectively named a, b, c, d, e, f, g, dp shown in
the figure.
The segment display also has two types like common anode and common cathode. When
using a common cathode LED, the common cathode should be connected to the ground
(GND). If using a common anode, it should be connected to (VCC). Each segment is composed
of LED, so a resistor is needed for protecting the LED.