Instruction Manual

Page -29-© Audient Ltd
Channel Select Mode
The select mode panel provides various functions, some
of which operate on the analogue layer and are useful for
automation control (auto safe etc), while others are specifically
used for control over DAW functions on the DAW layer.
Above each fader are three illuminated push switches.
The first switch, select (18) can be used for several functions
on both analogue and DAW layers when used in combination
with the select modes available in the middle of the control
surface panel.
When select mode is chosen (19), the large green channel select
switches above the channel faders become DAW channel selects
when in control surface mode. Selected channels are highlighted
in white within Logic and a box is shown around the channel
name in the ASP2802 OLED display. In Logic, only one channel
can be selected at any one time regardless of Logic’s useful
drag and select’ mixer feature.
Control Surface Functions