Technical data

2 Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers
2-28 Administration Guide
If you use -stopclass to gracefully shut down a server, 30 seconds might not
be enough time for the server to gracefully end its processing.
To configure a timeout period on Windows 2000, create a
REG_DWORD registry
value named
ServicesPipeTimeout under the following registry key:
The key value must be in milliseconds.
This value is read from the registry during the startup of the Windows operating
system and it affects all services that are installed.
4. Save your changes to the
installNTService.cmd script.
Redirecting Standard Out and Standard Error to a File
By default, when you install a WebLogic Server instance as a Windows service, you
cannot see the messages that the server or JVM print to standard out and standard error.
To view these messages for a server instance that is installed as a Windows service,
you must redirect standard out and standard error to a file:
1. Open
installNTService.cmd in a text editor.
2. In
installNTService.cmd, the last command in the script invokes the beasvc
utility. At the end of the
beasvc command, append the following command
-log:"pathname "
pathname is a fully qualified path and filename of the file that you want
to store the server’s standard out and standard error messages.
The modified
beasvc command will resemble the following command:
"D:\bea\wlserver6.1\bin\beasvc" -install
-javahome:"D:\bea\jdk131" -execdir:"D:\bea\wlserver6.1"
-extrapath:"D:\bea\wlserver6.1\bin" -cmdline:%CMDLINE%
3. By default, every 24 hours the Windows service archives messages to a file
pathname-yyyy_mm_dd-hh_mm_ss. New messages collect in the file that
you specified in the previous step.