Technical data

2 Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers
2-32 Administration Guide
For example if you archived your class in a file named c:\myJar, the modified
statement will be as follows:
Note: Win32 systems have a 2K limitation on the length of the command line. If
the classpath setting for the Windows service startup is very long, the 2K
limitation could be exceeded.
To work around this limitation:
a. Place the value of the
set CLASSPATH command in a separate text file and save
the text file in the
weblogic\server\bin directory.
b. In the weblogic\config\mydomain\installNTService.cmd script, find
set CMDLINE command.
c. Within the
set CMDLINE command, replace the -classpath
option with the following option:
-classpath @filename
where filename is the name of the file that contains the classpath values.
For example:
set CMDLINE="-ms64m -mx64m -classpath @myClasspath.txt
-Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver\"D:\bea\wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.po
licy\" -Dbea.home=\"D:\bea\" weblogic.Server"
4. Save your changes to the
installNTService.cmd script.
Run the Installation Script
1. Open a command prompt and change to weblogic\config\mydomain.
2. Enter
The command prompt runs the script as a
batch file.
If the script runs successfully, it creates a Windows service named
DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER_NAME and prints a line to standard out that is similar to
the following:
mydomain_myserver installed.