Reference Guide

Control Bar overview
“Setting the Metronome and Tempo settings” on page 253
See also:
“Tools module” on page 498
“Snap module” on page 502
“Loop module” on page 507
“Mix module” on page 509
“ACT module” on page 511
“Screenset module” on page 512
“Performance module” on page 514
“Punch module” on page 516
“Select module” on page 517
“Markers module” on page 518
“Event Inspector module” on page 519
“Sync Module” on page 520
Loop module
The Loop module lets you control loop settings.
To show/hide the Loop module
Right-click the Control Bar and select Loop Module.
Figure 157. The Loop module.
A. Loop On/Off B. Set Loop Time to Select C. Loop Start Time D. Loop End Time
The Loop module contains the following controls:
Loop on/off . Enable/disable playback looping.
Set Loop Times to Selection . Set the Loop Start time to the start (From) time of the
selection, and the Loop End time to the end (Thru) time of the selection.
Loop Start Time. The current Loop Start time. Click to modify.