Instant Web Publishing Guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 2
Publishing your database on the web 15
General steps for publishing static data
With static publishing, you export data to a web page, then add the web page to your existing web site.
Web users connect to your web site, not to your database.
To publish static data from FileMaker Pro:
1. Find the appropriate records, then choose File menu > Export Records, and choose HTML Table or XML.
1 Choose HTML Table to generate a table of data that can be viewed by supported web browsers.
You can customize the appearance in a text editing or web authoring application.
1 Choose XML if you’d like to transform the table with an XSLT stylesheet.
2. Add links from existing web pages to your new web page.
3. Copy the new web page to your web server.
Static web pages cannot use FileMaker Pro access privileges for protection, but by storing the files in the
Web folder, you can restrict access by specifying which IP addresses can access the files in the
Instant Web Publishing dialog box. For more information, see
“Restricting access except to specified IP
addresses” on page 12. For additional security options, see your web server documentation or check with
your ISP or network administrator.
For more information on exporting records as HTML or XML, see FileMaker Pro Help. Visit for general information on XML and example files.