Manual Chapter 1

UltraSpec Analyzer Utility Functions
Transferring Data Via Modem
The CSI Model 705 Modem kit is recommended when using the UltraSpec
analyzer to transfer data via telephone line. The kit includes:
Model 705 2400-baud modem.
Model 635 analyzer to modem cable.
Telephone cord - connects the modem to the telephone outlet.
Two-to-one adapter - permits the modem and an existing telephone
to connect to one telephone outlet.
The host computer will require an external or internal Hayes-compatible
modem that is connected to the COM port (normally COM1) of the com-
puter. Consult the appropriate modem and/or computer manual for addi-
tional installation and operating information.
You must have RBMware’s CSICOM program to transfer data
via modem.
To Establish Communications
1.····On the PC, access RBMware. From the RBMware main menu, select
the Portable Vibration button, select the Setup/Communications tab,
select Analyzer Data Transfer, then select Setup Comm.
2. ···Specify the COM port the modem is connected to.
3. ···In the Modem Initialization String field, enter the initialization string
for your modem and click OK. Refer to the manual supplied with
your modem for recommended initialization strings.
If you are unable to locate the correct initialization string, CSI recom-
mends trying one of the following generic strings.
Generic String Result
ATA<0D> Sends a command to the modem to make it
answer the phone line immediately.
ATS0=1<0D> Sends a command to go into Auto-Answer mode.