Installation guide

Pompeii Oven Instructions
© Forno Bravo, LLC 2007. All Rights Served. Ver. 1.2 8
Why Build a Pompeii Brick Oven
Instead of a Barrel Vault Oven
1. The Pompeii Oven design heats up much more
quickly than a barrel vault oven -- less than an hour,
compared with 2-3 hours or more for the heavier
oven. The round dome is self-standing (ala the
Duomo in Florence), so it does not need concrete
cladding to hold it together. Because the barrel vault
has a great deal of outward thrust, it needs a lot of
concrete for buttressing. As a result, the round oven
can be much thinner; 2”-4”, compared with a 9”+ thick
barrel vault dome. Plus, the barrel vault oven burns
more wood (which isn't good for the environment or
your pocketbook). For many owners, heat up time is
the difference between using their oven during the
workweek, or not at all. Round oven owners use their
ovens a couple of times a week, and sadly, we know
barrel vault oven owners who never fire their ovens.
2. Pizza should cook at 700ºF, or higher. The Pompeii
Oven can easily reach and hold that heat, baking
authentic Italian pizza for long periods of time. The
heavier oven has serious trouble reaching and
holding those high temperatures. The problem with
too much thermal mass is that the heat from your fire
must heat the entire mass. That means that heat is
continually moving away from the inside of you oven,
where you want it for cooking, toward the outer edge
of the thermal mass. That continues to happen until
the entire mass is heated, which can take a very, very
long time in a barrel vault oven. For more information,
read the Thermal Mass Primer (Appendix 5).
3. The Pompeii Oven is designed for fire-in-the-oven
cooking and pizza. With a round oven you have room
for your fire on one side, and your food and pizza on
the other side and in the back. The entire oven can be
easily reached. With a 32x36 rectangular cooking
floor in a barrel vault oven, there is not a good place
for the fire. If you put it on one side, you have very
little room for food on the other side, and you cannot
access the back. If you put the fire in the back, the
heat and flame does not reflect to the front of the
oven. A 35" round Pompeii Oven gives you much
more usable space than a 32x36. For all the effort you
are going to be putting into installing a wood-fired
oven, a 32x36 rectangular oven is a one-pizza oven --
which is a shame.
4. The Pompeii Oven cooks more evenly. The round,
spherical dome does a better job of bouncing heat
evenly on the cooking floor. You can cook pizza
everywhere (or roasts and veggies) in the oven, and it
cooks evenly. That is how the high volume pizzerias
cook all those pizzas. The rectangular barrel vault
design gives you hot and cool spots, depending on
the location of the fire.
6. The Pompeii Oven also helps direct the airflow better
in a chimney-less oven, as the air sweeps in low, up
the back & sides and washes over the face of the
dome before exiting the upper 1/3rd of the doorway.
7. There are also little things, like easier clean up.
The only downside is that a pizza oven can only bake
around 20-30 loaves of bread from a single firing, not 75.
But for a home oven, that typically works well. You can
bake more bread than you could ever eat.
There are millions of pizza ovens in Italy, and they are all
round. I also think it is interesting that there is a great deal
of wood-fired bread in Italy (Pane Cotto a Legna), which is
baked in large commercial, rectangular barrel vault ovens.
It is clear that there are two basic wood-fired oven
designs: pizza ovens and bread ovens, so you should
think about how you want to use your oven.