Quick Reference Guide

A:>syscfg --OneTimeUefiBootSeqDev= 2,3,4,5,1,6
The following devices are set in the boot sequence:
Device 2:* usbcdrom.slot.1- USB CD-ROM device
Device 3:* virtualcd.slot.1 – VIRTUAL CDROM
Device 4:* hdd.emb.0 -Hard drive C:
Device 5:* nic.emb.1 - MBA v2.5.12 Slot 0500
Device 1:* virtualfloppy.slot.1 - VIRTUAL FLOPPY
Device 6:* usbfloppy.slot.1 - USB Floppy device
NOTE: The asterisk indicates that the device is enabled in the
Applicable Systems
PowerEdge 12G and later systems.
Processor Settings
You can manage the processor settings using the options in this group.
Valid Arguments
On systems prior to 12G
: enable, disable
On 12G and later systems
: Enabled, Disabled
Enables (default value) or disables data reuse in cache. Set to enable
for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. Set to disable
for energy efficiency. This option can be replicated.
A:>syscfg --datareuse=enable
Applicable Systems PowerEdge 11G and later systems
Valid Arguments
On systems prior to 12G
On 12G and later systems
: Enabled, Disabled
Enables (default value) or disables DCU IP Prefetcher.
A:>syscfg --DcuIpPrefetcher=Enabled
Applicable Systems PowerEdge 12G and later systems