User's Manual

Page 26 CC Witness
Display Screens and Functions
contents. Press the PLAY
Y button to select
the location.
3. “Divide File” Divide a file in half or at the point
where the file is paused.
a. To divide a file you must have the fileʼs title high-
lighted or be playing the file.
b. Select “Divide in half” to divide the file into two even
halves. If file play is paused, select “Divide at
Pause” to divide the file at the pause point.
Note: When a file is divided, two additional files are created
and the original file remains intact. The first additional file
will retain the original file name but with “_A” added to the
end. The second additional file will also retain the original
file name but with “_B” added to the end. If either of the ad-
ditional files is divided again then this process will repeat.
4. “Mark File” Mark a file as “Favorite File” or “Mark
Spot” to bookmark a play location in a file for later
a. “Mark Spot” While playing a file select “Mark
Spot” to a reference point above the play bar.
Note: It is also possible to mark or unmark a spot by press-
ing the BACK Button
E while playing. After 30 seconds,
another spot can be marked. A maximum of four spots can
be marked in a file.
b. “Favorite File” While playing a file, select
“Favorite File” to mark it as a favorite.
The “EDIT” screen has 5 functions:
Note: The “EDIT” screen can only be accessed with the
EDIT Button
{ when a file is highlighted, playing or
1. “Erase File(s)” Erase unwanted files to free up
memory space and reduce clutter.
a. To erase a file, you must have the fileʼs title high-
lighted or be playing the file.
b. Select “Just This File” to erase only the file that is
selected. Select “All in Folder” to erase all files in
the currently selected folder.
c. To cancel the operation, press the BACK
E, or the
P buttons.
2. “Copy File(s)” Copy one file or all files in a folder
from the internal memory to the (optional) SD card or
from the SD card to the internal memory.
a. To copy a file, you must have the fileʼs title high-
lighted or be playing the file.
b. Select “Just This File” to copy only the file that is
selected. Select “All in Folder” to copy all files in
the currently selected folder.
c. Select a location on the other memory source to
copy the file to. Use the RIGHT
T and LEFT
I buttons to open or close folders, and the
U W and DOWN I U buttons to view folder
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