Installation Guide

Section 1.2: Installing The NT9010
To ensure that the NT9010 works properly, you should enroll all
entry/exit point zones first.
PIR’s covering entry points should be zone type [06] Delay Stay/Away
[01] Delay 1 Zone: If this zone is violated when the system is armed (e.g.
door or window is opened), the entry delay will begin. The buzzer
will sound to warn the user that the system must be disarmed. If the
system is not disarmed before the entry delay expires, an alarm will
be generated.
[05] Interior Stay/Away Zone: If this type of zone is violated when the
system is armed (e.g. the motion detector senses motion), an instant
alarm will be generated unless a Delay Zone is violated first. If a Delay
Zone is violated first, this zone will also follow the entry delay.
The zone will be automatically bypassed under the following condi-
the NT9010 is armed in the Stay Mode
the NT9010 is armed without entry delay ([][9] arming)
the NT9010 is armed with an access code and during the exit delay a
Delay zone is NOT violated (user does not go through the entry/exit
If zones are automatically bypassed, the user can reactivate the zones
by entering [
[87] Delayed 24 Hour Fire (Wireless): If this zone is violated (e.g. the
smoke detector senses smoke), the alarm will immediately sound,
but the alarm communication to the central station will be delayed
for 30 seconds. If during the 30 second delay the user presses the [#]
key, the alarm and communicator will be delayed an additional 90
seconds. This provides time for a user to correct the problem.
If after the 90 second delay the zone is still violated the process will
begin again: the alarm will sound but the alarm communication will
be delayed for 30 seconds.
If the user does not press the [#] key, after 30 seconds the alarm will
latch on and the system will communicate a fire alarm to the central
station. The alarm will sound until the Bell Cutoff time expires, or
until a valid code is entered.