Technical data

This gure is based on a very fast attack time; the gain reduction is about -7 dB. The burst lasts for
25 ms and then follows the release phase with time parameters of dierent length. The linear char-
acteristic of the release curve is very easy to see here. Because of the utilized circuit, the attack time
must always be added to the release time. The advantage is that in combination with long attack
settings you can use even the fastest release settings without generating unwanted artifacts.
REFERENCE Release & Auto Fast Release
Auto Fast Release
In this case the Auto Fast function was added to a release time of 400 ms (light curve). It is easy
to see that directly after the burst the release time becomes very fast (only 20 ms) and then re-
turns to its original setting. This has two eects: Firstly, the level in a period of 500 ms after the
burst becomes 2.5 dB louder, and secondly the release phase is already completed after 250 ms.
In practice this means an apparent increase in loudness without the distortion usually generated
by constantly fast release times.