Technical data

EQ Frequency
This diagram shows a variation of center frequencies with the EQ gain controller turned fully clock-
wise (HI). The x10 button shifts the complete frequency area by a factor of 10. With settings in the
border areas of the covered frequencies it is also possible to realize ‘almost’ shelving lters, but in
these cases the level has to be adapted with the gain controllers.
SC Gain
The green curve shows an almost linear compression with a constant gain reduction across the
complete frequency spectrum. If the SC gain controller is set to high pass (HP yellow curve),
however, the low frequencies will not inuence the detection circuit and the gain reduction sets
in only on higher frequencies. In low pass mode (LP orange curve) just the low frequencies are
fully processed and the intensity of the gain reduction decreases with rising frequencies. Of course
there are a lot of useful interim values between the linear and the extreme positions.
REFERENCE EQ Frequency & SC Gain