Technical Specifications

Step 2: Actuator Wizard
Setup Wizard Procedure
Step 2: Actuator Wizard
1. Select the Valve Action, Actuator Type, Relay Type, and Valve Type (Figure 65).
Figure 65 Actuator Wizard Dialog Box
2. Select Next to begin calibration and tuning.
NOTE If linear is incorrectly selected, when the valve is rotary, a
large angle error message displays. To correct this use the
Configure Actuator dialog box followed by the Calibration
Services Tuning dialog box.
Do not Auto Tune if manual tuning has been used. Auto
Tune creates new parameters that override the manual
tuning parameters.
WARNING Before beginning the Auto or Manual range calibration,
confirm that the valve is isolated from the process. This
procedure exhausts and then fills the valve actuator to
supply pressure and therefore strokes the valve over its full
range. Supply pressure MUST NOT exceed the actuator
pressure rating marked on the actuator. Positioner supply
pressure MUST BE at least 5 psi higher than the upper
spring range of the valve.