Technical Specifications

Step 4: Travel Calibration Wizard
Setup Wizard Procedure
Figure 70 Travel Calibration Wizard
CAUTION Supply pressure must not exceed the actuator pressure
rating marked on the actuator. Positioner supply pressure
must be at least 5 psi higher than the upper spring range of
the valve.
WARNING Isolate the valve from the process and keep clear of moving
parts before using Limit Searching or Auto Tune.
To run the Travel Calibration Wizard:
1. Check that the Tight Shut Off, Full Open Features, and the Position Limits are
disabled by:
a. Clicking Next and the Position Control Limits window appears.
b. Setting parameters to disable the above, close and reopen the wizard and
navigate back to the Travel Calibration.
CAUTION These values alter the valves performance. Use them with