User's Manual Part 2

User’s Guide Appendix
G) User Pages Templates Syntax
In this section you will find syntax for the writing of the user pages with examples for the writing of
XSL templates. The P560 web server creates XML, having data inside its structure:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Header Script_Name="login.user" Title="Login" charset="; charset=ISO8859-
1" language="en"/>
<Data nasid="TestLab" version="P-560" help="images/help.html"
mac="00923456789A" original_url=""
type="2" username="g1">
<entry descr="Gemtek Baltic" id="0" url=""/>
<entry descr="Gemtek Systems, Inc." id="1" url="http://www.gemtek-"/>;
<WISPAccessGatewayParam MessageType="120" ResponseCode="100">
<entry ReplyMessage="Your password has expired."/>
<Errors id="4102"/>
Current script filename (to be used in forms action attribute) can be located in the XML tree at:
Page title at:
Custom char set (if enabled on administration pages) for user pages at:
Welcome page is the first page that the user sees while not registered on the network. This page
provides welcome text to the user who is connected to the controller and supplies a link to the login
Attribute in XML tree at /Gemtek/Data/@cmd defines the link to the login page. This link should be
used to point the user from the welcome screen to login screen. The Welcome page also lists
defined walled garden entries, informing the user where to browse without registering on the network.
Walled Garden information is located in the XML tree under /Gemtek/Data with multiple "entry"
branches. These branches have the following attributes:
descr - website description;
url - website URL;
id - website id for P560 configuration, which is not needed for the user connecting to the network
through the P560.
Login page appears when the user is not registered to the network and tries to open a webpage. The
user proceeds to the login page, following the link from the welcome page. The Login page has
variables that can be used:
/Gemtek/Header/@Script_Name - script name to send back to the P560 user login information;
/Gemtek/Data/@username - the username to be entered into the user name field – usually the
name the user entered before while unsuccessful in registering on the network;
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