User's Manual Part 2

User’s Guide Appendix
system configuration clock
<date> New date values in YYYY.MM.DD format.
<time> New time in hh:mm format.
<zone> New time zone (time from GMT in minutes).
system configuration ntp
<action> Action: A(dd), E(dit), D(elete) server or set NTP S(tatus).
<id> Server id. Needed only with E and D actions.
-a <server> NTP server address.
-s <status>
NTP service status: enabled or disabled. Needed only with S
system configuration pronto
-s <status> Pronto compatibility agent status: enabled or disabled.
-u <server_url> HNS server url in format host:port.
-h <interval>
Heartbeat interval in seconds, 'disabled' or 'server' to obtain it
from the server.
-a <remote_host> Remote host ip address.
-p <remote_port> Remote host port.
system configuration syslog
-s <status> Syslog status. Possible values are enabled or disabled.
-h <host>
The host IP address where to send the syslog. Needed only when
enabling syslog.
-l <level>
The lowest level of messages that will be logged. Possible levels:
debug, info, warning, error, fatal.
system configuration trace
clear Clears trace history.
size <number> Sets trace history size.
level <level>
Sets level of trace messages. Possible levels: debug, info,
warning, error, fatal.
Status Commands
device General system information.
network Network information.
service Services information.
Connection Commands
email Outgoing Main (SMTP) Redirection settings.
supervision Settings for station availability monitoring with ARP-Pings.
connection email
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