User guide

13.69.3 Highlight Edges
The Highlight Edges filter will produce a new layer from an old one that replicates a
thin shadow and highlight line.
13.70 Gradient Map
The Gradient Map filter re-maps the active image colors using the currently se-
lected gradient. The filter parses the color information contained in the image and ap-
plies a color replacement using the gradient colors as target colors. See also
Further gradient information can be found on the Gradient Selection help page.
13.71 Grid
The Grid filter places a custom grid over the image. All aspects of the grid can be
customized. Grid Options
Grid Settings
Horizontal / Vertical The Horizontal, and Vertical settings are used to adjust, Width,
Spacing, and Offset. Width sets the line width when rendering the grid. Spacing
affects the distance between the grid lines. Offset determines the offset from the
top-left corner of the image, from which rendering will begin. Located below the
Offset settings, are located the Color Wells, which set the colors for the grid lines.
All of these settings can be “Locked” together to balance the Horizontal, and the
Vertical grid lines, or can be “Unlocked”, to provide more control.
Intersection The Intersection settings add another dimension to the Grid filter, by cre-
ating an intersecting grid that begins within the bounds of the primary one.
Width Width works much the same as the primary grid settings.
Spacing Spacing affects distance that the intersection grid starts from the point of
Offset Offset works by extending the length of the rendered lines.
Units One final set of options are the Units dropdowns, which can be adjusted to
reflect different measurement units for the grid lines.
Update Preview This button updates the preview window so any grid changes can be
seen prior to the final render.
Color Wells The three color wells set the color for Horizontal, Vertical, and Intersec-
tion elements.