Command Reference Guide

Verify the creation of VLUNs by issuing the showvlun command. See showvlun (page 503)
for more information.
Conflicts between overlapping VLUN templates are resolved by a priority order among
templates with matched set being the highest and port presents the lowest.
Exports from a VV set must be contiguous and, if there is another export already present, the
set cannot be extended and generates the following error due to the conflict on the LUN ID:
Error message: Unable to extend vv set VVSETNAME
To add to an exported VV set in the future, leave a gap between the VV set export and any further
exports to allow for expansion. The createvlun vv 100+ host command can be used, which
will use the next free VLUN from 100 onwards; this allows you to take advantage of the auto lun
functionality but retains some separation between ranges.
createvlun 153