Command Reference Guide

The createvv command creates volumes that are provisioned from one or more Common
Provisioning Groups (CPGs). Volumes can be fully provisioned from a CPG or can be thinly
provisioned. You can optionally specify a CPG for snapshot space for fully provisioned volumes.
createvv [options] <usr_CPG> <VV_name> [.<index>] <size>[g|G|t|T]
Super, Edit
Any role that is granted the vv_create right.
NOTE: You need access to all domains in order to run this command with logical disks specified.
-templ <template_name>
Use the options defined in template <tname>. The template is created using the createtemplate
command. Options specified in the template are read-only or read/write. The read/write options
may be overridden with new options at creation time but read-only options may not be overridden
their default values, and all of these options are either read-only or read/write (using the -nro or
-nrw options of the createtemplate command). If not included, the -size and -usr_cpg
options are automatically treated as read-write even if the other not included properties are marked
-i <ID>
Specifies the ID of the volume. The default is the next available ID.
cnt <count>
Specifies the number of identical VVs to create. This must be an integer from 1 through 999. If
<id> is specified with -i option, it is used as the ID of the first VV and incremented by 1 for each
subsequent volume.
Specifies that the system will try to share the Logical Disks (LDs) among the VVs. This option can
only be used with the -cnt option. This option cannot be used with the -tpvv option.
-wait <secs>
If the command would fail due to the lack of clean space, the -wait option specifies the number
of seconds to wait for the system to clean the dirty space before returning. If -wait 0 is issued,
the command returns immediately. If this option is not used, the command will keep waiting for
dirty chunklets to be cleaned if enough space will be available with the dirty chunklets cleaned.
This option cannot be used with the -tpvv option.
-exp <time>[d|D|h|H]
Specifies the relative time from the current time that volume will expire. <time> is a positive integer
value and in the range of 1 - 43,800 hours (1,825 days). Time can be optionally specified in days
or hours providing either d or D for day and h or H for hours following the entered time value.
-comment <comment>
Specifies any additional information up to 511 characters in length for the volume.
154 Create Commands