HP IO Accelerator Driver and Management Software Version 2.2.1 Release Notes

Errata 15
The ext4 filesystem in the Kernel.org kernel 2.6.33 and earlier contains a bug where the data in a portion of
a file might be improperly discarded (set to all 0x00) under some workloads. Use Version 2.6.34 or newer
to avoid this issue. For more information, see the patch
(http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=b90f687018e6d6 ) and
bug report (https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15579).
The fix is included in RHEL6 pre-release kernel kernel-2.6.32-23.el6. The eventual release RHEL6 kernel is not
affected by this issue.
Discard support was added to the kernel.org mainline ext4 in Version 2.6.28 and was enabled by default.
For fear of damaging some devices, discard was set to default to disabled in Version 2.6.33-rc1 and was
back ported to and For more information, see the kernel patch
Driver might not autoload in some distributions
When using certain Linux operating systems, the driver installation package might not properly configure
itself to be automatically loaded in all run level boot sequences. To verify whether the driver is properly
configured, after you have installed the driver, run the following command at a shell prompt:
$ chkconfig list | grep iodrive
The following appears:
$ iodrive 0:off 1:on 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
The results inform you that the driver loads if the server is booted at run levels 1-5. At a minimum, the run
levels at which you use or maintain the IO Accelerator must be enabled. If those run levels are not enabled,
run the following commands at a shell prompt (with root privilege):
$ chkconfig --del iodrive
$ chkconfig --add iodrive
$ chkconfig --list | grep iodrive
The previous results appear:
$ iodrive 0:off 1:on 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
If you need further assistance, contact HP Customer Support (http://www.hp.com/support).
RHEL4 2.6.9-22 kernel does not work with 320GB IO
Because of limitations in the 2.6.9-22 kernel shipped with early versions of RHEL4, the 320GB IO
Accelerator and 640GB IO Accelerator Duo cards do not work when running this kernel.
Newer RHEL4 kernels support the larger devices.
Modinfo module parameters not reported under RHEL4
The IO Accelerator driver does not properly report the load-time parameters when the modinfo command
is run. Obtain the list of supported parameters from the User Guide that came with your IO Accelerator or by
running the modinfo command on a newer system. The module parameters are identical between Linux
distributions when using the same driver version.