CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++

For JORB Lite, the required Java environment is:
CLASSPATH must include the path to the standard Java JVM classes file, the jorblite.jar file, and the esadmin.jar file.
PATH must include the path to the Java implementation.
When NonStop CORBA is installed, the Naming Service writes the stringified IOR of the root naming context into the NameService file.
This ASCII file must be copied to the computer where JORB Lite is installed and the full pathname of this file must be specified in the
lite.dbm Naming Service setting. The default location is c:\jorblite\lib\lite.dbm.
For example, if the
NameService file is copied into the directory c:\jorblite\lib\NameService, the Naming Service setting in lite.dbm
would resemble the following:
NS@name_service_settings RootNamingContextIORFile c:\jorblite\lib\NameService
The CLASSPATH and PATH settings can be changed by editing and running the env.bat file.
The esadmin Tool Syntax
esadmin has no options.
Running the esadmin Tool
When you run esadmin, it gathers the list of the event channels stored in the NonStop CORBA Naming Service database. The tool displays this
list in a dialog box from which you can select the event channel to administer, as shown in
Figure 5–2.
Figure 5.2. esadmin Tool
Alternatively, you can specify a file containing an event-channel object reference. This file could, for example, have been created by another
program that created an event channel. If you use a file-based IOR for the event service, the event channel can be on any accessible system.
After you have chosen the event channel to administer, the
esadmin tool displays the Event Channel Status window.
esadmin Tool Commands
You can use the following commands in the esadmin tool GUI:
The Event Channel Status window displays statistics for the specified event channel. The statistics displayed are updated periodically. To adjust
the update interval, go to the Admin menu and click Preferences. Set the desired update interval using the dialog displayed.
To display and alter event channel policies, go to the Admin menu and click Policies. This command displays the current policy values. You can
modify these values directly, causing the policies for the event channel to be updated accordingly.
To enable or disable tracing for the specified event channel, go to the Admin menu and click Trace. This command will place a check next to the
menu item, which indicates that tracing is enabled for all selected event channels. When the Trace menu item is checked, tracing is enabled and
the output is directed to the destination specified in the NonStop CORBA Event Service configuration. By default, trace information is written to
$NSD_ROOT/log/es.log file, as specified by your NonStop CORBA system configuration. Be sure to use tracing only when needed; leaving