CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++

tracing enabled for long periods can result in unnecessarily large trace logs.
To administer additional event channels, go to the Admin menu and click New. From the dialog displayed, select the additional event channels
you want to monitor.
Viewing the Naming Service
You can use the NonStop Distributed Component Console or the ns_browse tool to look at entries stored in the Naming Service database. The
Naming Service database can be viewed as a tree of naming contexts. A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings.
A binding is a name-to-object association. Because a context is like any other object, it can also be bound to a name in another naming context.
This arrangement allows for the creation of a tree that has nodes as contexts (or objects) and leaves as names. When NonStop CORBA is
installed, a default naming tree gets created. The root of this naming tree is called the root naming context.
A node in the naming tree can be identified by a sequence of names relative to a given parent node. The
ns_browse tool uses the node name (a
context-name if the node is a context or an object-name if the node is an object) as input to some of the tool's operations.
Each component of the name sequence (a tree leaf) is a CosNaming Name consisting of an id string and a kind string. Thus a context-name or
object-name is specified as a list of
id and kind string pairs, for example, id1 kind1 id2 kind2. Note that the kind string can be specified as a
empty string ("") to indicate no kind specified.
The Naming Service does not store an actual object in the binding. Instead, it stores an object reference. Object references input to and output
by the
ns_browse tool are string representations of these object references. These string references are called "stringified interoperable object
references" or stringified IORs, and they can be displayed by using
Using the Console to View the Naming Service
The Console allows you to perform the following tasks for the Naming Service:
Display the Naming Service tree
Add a naming context
Rename a naming context or name
Remove a naming context or name
View an object reference
Save an object reference
An example of the Console view of the Naming Service is shown in Figure 5–3.
Figure 5.3. Naming Service Display
For more information about using the Console, see the NonStop CORBA 2.6.1 Administration Guide and the online help provided with the