CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++

Indicate number of days old a context must be to be considered for deletion (default 30).
-d <date1> [<date2>]
Specify a date or date range in the format mm/dd/yyyy. When a date is specified, contexts created prior to that date are candidates for
deletion. When two dates are specified contexts created between the two dates are candidates for deletion.
Specify the naming database on which to operate (identifies an enscribe file in the Guardian file space:
At most, one of -i, -w, -r should be specified. If none are specified, "-i" is assumed. At most, one of -t and -d should be specified.
If neither is specified all orphaned contexts older than 30 days are candidates for deletion. When -r is specified, the -t and -d options
have no effect.
Chapter 4. Deploying a NonStop CORBA
Chapter 6. Writing Scalable Applications