CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

Combination of reset_read and reset_write.
void reset_read( void );
Returns ip_user_read and iv_data_bytes to their original values.
void reset_write( void );
Returns ip_user_write, iv_data_bytes, and iv_free_bytes to their original values.
static void set_test_no_MDs( const bool pv_no_MDs );
Allows simulation of resource shortage for testing what happens if the ORB cant allocate a new
Message Data descriptor. When pv_no_MD is true, the factory methods fail.
unsigned long skip_read( const unsigned long pv_count );
Attempts to move the Fw_MDs ip_user_read forward by pv_count bytes. No data is
transferred. The result is the number of bytes actually skipped, which will be the lesser of
pv_count and iv_data_bytes. iv_data_bytes is decremented by the count actually
transferred. This method is used by the ORB for alignment of common data representation (CDR)
data types, and skipping fields that you want to ignore (such as pad bytes).
unsigned long skip_write( const unsigned long pv_count );
Attempts to move the Fw_MDs ip_user_write forward by pv_count bytes. No data is
transferred. The result is the number of bytes actually skipped, which will be the lesser of
pv_count and iv_free_bytes. iv_data_bytes is incremented, and iv_free_bytes
is decremented, by the count actually transferred. This method is used by the ORB for alignment
of common data representation (CDR) data types.
unsigned long write( char *pp_source, const unsigned long pv_count );
Attempts to copy pv_count bytes into the physical buffer, starting from pp_source, to the
location pointed to by ip_user_write. The result is the number of bytes actually transferred,
which will be the lesser of pv_count and iv_free_bytes. iv_data_bytes is
incremented, and iv_free_bytes decremented, by the count actually transferred.
API Data
Fw_MD *ip_next;
Allows for building single-linked-lists of Fw_MDs.
short iv_user_state, unsigned long iv_user_tag, short iv_user_type
Fields totally under the control of the user to allow user context to be associated with an Fw_MD.
The system does not manipulate these fields.
Class Fw_Message
Framework Message. Provides an abstraction for a complete message, and a get/put recycling factory.
Fw_Message objectss can be written to and read from. Fw_Message objects are implemented as a list
of Fw_MDs. (see Fw_MD).