CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

Class NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::Event
Events are generated by the Receive_EH upon receipt of OPEN messages.
API Methods
Constructor that creates an NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::Event object.
Destructor for NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::Event objects.
void reply( FE pv_FE )
Results in calling REPLYX to complete the Guardian file-system OPEN.
API Data
Server::Address *ip_address
From the open message data, uniquely identifies the connection within this process.
short iv_message_tag
Class NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::EH
Performs the Fw_Listener_EH role prompted by the Receive_EH using listener address and events.
API Methods
Constructor that creates an NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::EH object.
Destructor for NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::EH objects.
void handle_event( Event *pp_event )
This method is invoked by a callback from the NonStop CORBA event framework when the event
framework receives an I/O event of a type registered by the event handler. A legacy client wrapper
must implement this method when playing the role of the listener event handler. The
implementation should do whatever is appropriate with the I/O event.
bool start_listening( void *pp_listen_address )
Called by a listener event handler user. Registers itself with the Receive_EH keyed by
(NSDEFw_GFS::Listener::Address*)pp_listen_address. Returns true if the
operation was successful.