CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

unsigned hash( const Key &pr_key )
Static method that, given a Key, will generate a value usable by Rogue Wave dictionaries.
int operator==( const Key &pr_RHS )
Compares the instance with the parameter on the right-hand side. Returns true if the two keys
have identical values for iv_FN and iv_tag.
API Data
short iv_FN
File number associated with operation.
unsigned long iv_tag
Nowait tag associated with operation.
Class NSDEFw_GFS::Client::EH
Implements the Fw_Client_EH role using the other Guardian file-system client components. Also
provides the factory/recycler feature.
class NSDEFw_GFS
class NSDEFw_GFS::Client
class NSDEFw_GFS::Client::EH
API Methods
bool connect( void* pp_server_address )
Initiates a nowaited FS OPEN on (Address*) pp_server_address. If the operation
succeeds, it creates an event to track the opens completion.
void disconnect()
Tells the event handler to terminate its connection.
static EH* get_EH()
Factory to get event handler.
void handle_event( Event *pp_event )
This method is invoked by a callback from the NonStop CORBA event framework when the event
framework receives an I/O event of a type registered by the event handler. A legacy server
wrapper that plays the role of the client event handlerfor example, one that does I/O for which no