CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

thread-blocking jacket function is availablemust implement this method to do whatever is
appropriate with the I/O event.
static void put_EH( EH *pp_EH )
void send_message( Fw_Message *pp_msg )
Tells the event handler to deliver a full message over the event handlers connection.
API Data
Address *ip_address
From the open message data, uniquely identifies the connection within this process.
EH *ip_next
For chained events, can be used as a pointer to the next event in the chain.
short iv_file_number
The clients file number associated with the connection.
Class NSDEFw_GFS::Receive_EH
Extends Client::EH to provide a $RECEIVE handler, and translates the semantics of the Guardian
READUPDATE, RECEIVEINFO, and REPLY procedures into an asynchronous Guardian file-system
listener and server event-management facility.
Listeners and servers register interest in events associated with their addresses. When READUPDATE
produces a message for an interested party, Receive_EH packages the message in an appropriate
event and delivers the event. Replying to an event invokes REPLY.
An NSDEFw_GFS::Receive_EH is created by ORB_init.
API Methods
short get_file_number()
Returns the file number for $RECEIVE
void register_listener( Listener::Address * pp_address, Listener::EH*
pp_EH )
Associates a listener event handler with an address in a list of listener EH objects keyed by
address. When OPEN messages are received, the address data is used as a key to the dictionary. A
match results in a listener event being generated and delivered to the listener event handler.
void register_server( Server::Address *pp_address, Server::EH pp_EH )
Associates a server event handler with an address in the server dictionary. When WRITE, READ,
WRITEREAD, and CLOSE messages are received, they are routed to the server event handler