CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

This minor code occurs in the context of a NO_MEMORY system exception. A sequence constructor
failed to obtain memory for a sequence of strings.
511 - 1314062847 - MINOR_STR_SEQ_INDEX
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. The operator( )
method was asked to return a sequence of strings that does not exist.
512 - 1314062848 - MINOR_STR_SEQ_ASSIGNMENT
This minor code occurs in the context of a NO_MEMORY system exception. A sequence assignment
operator failed to obtain memory for the sequence strings.
513 - 1314062849 - MINOR_OBJ_SEQ_CONSTRUCTOR
This minor code occurs in the context of a NO_MEMORY system exception. A sequence constructor
failed to obtain memory for a sequence of object references.
514 - 1314062850 - MINOR_OBJ_SEQ_INDEX
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. The operator( )
method for a sequence was asked to return a sequence of object references that do not exist.
515 - 1314062851 - MINOR_OBJ_SEQ_ASSIGNMENT
This minor code occurs in the context of a NO_MEMORY system exception. A sequence assignment
operator failed to obtain memory for a sequence of object references.
516 - 1314062852 - MINOR_STR_DUP
This minor code occurs in the context of a NO_MEMORY system exception. A string sequence
method failed to duplicate the elements of another string sequence because memory was not
517 - 1314062853 - MINOR_STR_NULL
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. The user attempted to
marshall a null string pointer. Null string pointers are not allowed: the user should use a valid
pointer to a null character ('\0') to denote an empty string.
518 - 1314062854 - MINOR_ARRAY_INDEX
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. This exception is raised
in the _forany::operator[] method when an out-of-bounds index is given.
519 - 1314062855 - MINOR_GET_ARRAY_NULL_PTR
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. A null pointer was
passed as the out parameter for an array. Such a pointer must be a valid pointer to a contiguous
memory block large enough to hold all elements of the array. This situation can occur if memory
allocation fails but is not detected.
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. During demarshalling
of a union, the union discriminant value was found to be illegal for the union.