CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

POA::activate_object_with_id( ), this minor code indicates that the object id given to
the POA was not generated by the POA executing the call (this( ) POA).
Note: When a server is restarted, any POA on that server that has
LifespanPolicy::PERSISTENT policy does not need to (and in fact does not)
recognize all object ids.
601 - 1314062937 - MINOR_BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER
This minor code occurs in the context of a BAD_PARAM system exception. Thrown from
POA::set_servant_manager( ), this minor code indicates that the servant manager given
to the POA in a call to set_servant_manager( ) is not of the correct type. For example, a
POA with the RETAIN policy requires a servant manager which can be narrowed to the type
PortableServer::ServantActivator, and a NON_RETAIN POA requires a
This minor code occurs in the context of an OBJ_ADAPTER system exception. This minor code
indicates that a servant activator is required in order to process a request, but one is not available.
This scenario occurs when the POA has the policies RETAIN and USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and
a request comes into this POA but there is no existing servant to handle it. In this case, a servant
manager is required; it must set up beforehand by a call to set_servant_manager( ).
603 - 1314062939 - MINOR_NO_SERVANT_LOCATOR
This minor code occurs in the context of an OBJ_ADAPTER system exception. This minor code is
similar to the MINOR_NO_SERVANT_ACTIVATOR minor code detailed above for NON_RETAIN
POAs. An incoming request requires a servant locator in order to find a servant but one has not
been set. One difference is that this minor code will be generated for every request since, for a
NON_RETAIN POA with the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy, the servant locator is required to
service any request.
604 - 1314062940 - MINOR_NOT_IN_AOM
This minor code occurs in the context of an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST system exception. It indicates
that an incoming request could not find a servant in the POA's active object map. This implies that
the POA has policies of RETAIN and USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY.
605 - 1314062941 - MINOR_NO_ADAPTER
This minor code occurs in the context of an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST system exception. It indicates
that the POA named in the incoming request could not be located. (POAs are also referred to more
generically as object adapters). This code can also be generated in the context of an
OBJ_ADAPTER system exception. In this case, it indicates that a local request could not find its
associated POA. This happens when a reference to a servant is locally generated and the POA is
subsequently destroyed (and can't be automatically re-created).
606 - 1314062942 - MINOR_WRONG_STATE
This minor code occurs in the context of either a TRANSIENT or OBJ_ADAPTER system
exception. In either case, the minor code indicates that the POA manager is not in the correct state
(it is not active) in order to process a request. A TRANSIENT exception is generated when the