Data Transformation Engine 6.7.1 Readme

TACL prompt:
> osh
2. Verify the directory named /usr/tandem exists and that
the current userid has write access to the /usr directory.
3. By default, the pax command installs the NSDTE Corba Server files
into the directory location "/usr/tandem/nsdte/"
If you want to install in the default location perform step 4.
If you want to install in a custom location perform step 5.
4. Installing into default location
Issue the following command to run the pax utility and
unpack the NSDTE Corba Server files to the default location,
where <NSDTE_Path> refers to the full file path where the
NSDTE Corba Server pax file exists:
> pax -rvf <NSDTE_Path>T0578PAX
For example, if you have copied the pax file to the
/G/SYSTEM/ZUTILS directory, you would issue the following
command to unpack NSDTE Corba Server:
> pax -rvf /G/SYSTEM/ZUTILS/T0578PAX
5. Installing into Custom location
To specify custom installation location for the files installed
with NSDTE Corba Server, you must use the pax utility -s option
when unpacking the files.
Issue the following command to run the pax utility and unpack the
NSDTE Corba Server files to the specified custom file location,
where <NSDTE_Path> refers to the full file path where the NSDTE-
Corba Server pax file exists:
> pax -rvf <NSDTE_Path>T0578PAX
In this command, the parameter to the first -s option,
<NSDTE_Dir>, specifies the custom location to place the NSDTE-
Corba Server files.
Step 3: Set Up NSDTE OSS Environment :
This step sets the OSS runtime environment required by the NSDTE executables.
1. If you have installed the product in the default directory
a) change directory to "/usr/tandem/nsdte"
b) At the OSS prompt, type ". ./setmercenv" to setup the environment.
2. If you have installed the product in a custom directory
a) change directory to the custom directory
b) Open the file "setmercenv" and edit the value of the MERC_HOME_DIR
variable and set it to the custom directory where you installed.
c) Save the file.
d) At the OSS prompt, type ". ./setmercenv" to setup the environment.
Step 4: Run Sample Map :
1. After you have set the environment as described above,
change directory to the nsdte examples directory.
(default directory is /usr/tandem/nsdte/examples)
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