OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual

FTM Procedures
HP NonStop OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual528611-001
This grouped procedure issues the primitives F-BEGIN-GROUP, F-CLOSE, either
F-DESELECT or F-DELETE, and F-END-GROUP, allowing you to close and either
deselect or delete a file in a single call. Successful completion of this procedure
terminates the file-open and file-selection regimes and moves the association to the
FTAM regime. For a description of these regimes, see the OSI/FTAM Programming
status return value
indicates the outcome of the call. For a list of possible ZAPS-VAL-STATUS-xxx
values, see Table B-1 on page B-2.
cepi input
is the connection endpoint identifier (CEPI) used to identify the specific
association. Use the CEPI value returned from the FTM_INITIALIZE_REQ_
procedure for this association. For additional information on using the cepi
parameter, see the OSI/FTAM Programming Guide.
cepi is a required parameter.
delete-action input
indicates whether the file should be deleted after the file is closed. Valid values are
the following:
The default value for this parameter is ZFTM-VAL-CLOSE-NODELETE.
delete-action is an optional parameter.
tag input
is for use in nowait mode only. Specify a unique value to identify this instance of
the procedure call. When the operation is complete, the MFM_AWAITIOX_
procedure returns the tag value, allowing your application to match the completion
status := FTM_FILE_CLOSE_REQ_ ( cepi ! I
, [ delete-action ] ! I
, [ tag ] ) ; ! I