OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual

NonStop FTAM Initiator Error Messages
HP NonStop OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual528611-001
FTAM Initiator Error Codes
Cause. The SCF command ABORT SU has just been issued to a subdevice that your
application is using.
Subcodes. None.
Effect. The association associated with the aborted SU is terminated.
Recovery. Call the APS_DISCARD_ procedure to discard the association context.
Determine what problem has caused the system management staff to abort the SU. If
the problem is now fixed or is transient, establish another association and retry the
operation in progress when the SU was aborted.
Cause. The buffer-size parameter that the application specified in the
FTM_DATA_IND_ call is too small to contain the data header, the data element header,
and the current data element.
Subcodes. The subcode indicates the minimum number of bytes needed to retrieve at
least one data element and its associated header information.
Effect. The initiator rejects your request.
Recovery. Reissue the FTM_DATA_IND_ procedure, providing a larger value for the
buffer-size parameter, which determines the size of the buffer used to retrieve
The minimum buffer size must be the sum of the length of ZAPS-DDL-DATA-HDR, the
length of ZAPS-DDL-DATA-ELEMENT-HDR, and the value of the negotiated maximum
string length. The maximum buffer size can be 25 KB.
Cause. The FTAM API has reported a file-system error in communicating with the
FTAM initiator process. The current operation fails.
Subcodes. The subcode indicates the file-system error. For descriptions of the
file-system errors, refer to the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual.
Recovery. Recovery depends on the subcode received.