SQL/MX 2.x Database and Application Migration Guide (G06.23+, H06.04+, J06.03+)

About This Manual
HP NonStop SQL/MX Database and Application Migration Guide540435-005
Notation Conventions
These manuals are part of the SQL/MP library of manuals and are essential references
for information about SQL/MP Data Definition Language (DDL) and SQL/MP
installation and management:
Notation Conventions
Hypertext Links
Blue underline is used to indicate a hypertext link within text. By clicking a passage of
text with a blue underline, you are taken to the location described. For example:
This requirement is described under Backup DAM Volumes and Physical Disk
Drives on page 3-2.
General Syntax Notation
This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type
these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For
lowercase italic letters. Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items that you supply.
Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
computer type. Computer type letters within text indicate C and Open System Services
(OSS) keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not
enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
italic computer type. Italic computer type letters within text indicate C and Open
System Services (OSS) variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets
are required. For example:
Related SQL/MP Manuals
SQL/MP Reference Manual Describes the SQL/MP language elements,
expressions, predicates, functions, and statements.
SQL/MP Installation and
Management Guide
Describes how to plan, install, create, and manage
an SQL/MP database. Describes installation and
management commands and SQL/MP catalogs
and files.