HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Update 2 Technical Reference Guide

NOTE: Events can be deleted from the event view page. See “Customizing event collectionsfor more
Event filter settings
Event filtering is a way to filter
SNMP traps
you receive from discovered
. The default setting is to
accept all registered SNMP traps from all discovered systems. You can specify the severity of the traps you
want to see and use the IP address ranges to create a subset of systems whose traps you can receive or
ignore. For example, you can use event filtering to ignore informational traps. This feature is available to
users with administrative rights. See “Managing MIBsfor information about compiling MIBs.
Options for filtering events
Events are registered or unregistered. Registered events are SNMP traps that are recognized by HP SIM
from systems that have been discovered. Unregistered events are traps from systems that were discovered
but whose system information is not part of the HP SIM
database. Only registered events have a severity
level. See “Event severity typesfor information about event severity types.
You can specify IP ranges for accepting or discarding traps. Enter one system or range per line, or separate
the ranges and systems with a semicolon (;).
You can also filter traps using SNMP Extensions.
SNMP trap settings
This feature is available to users with administrative rights and is used to view or edit trap details for a
registered MIB.
SNMP traps enable you to tailor trap messages to your specific network needs. Trap messages can be
cryptic, poorly written, and incomprehensible. You can modify the MIB information in the database
representation. You can also modify a .cfg file of the MIB. HP recommends that you never modify an actual
MIB. See “Editing a MIB” for more information about editing MIBs.
Status change event settings
This page is used to configure the settings for sending status change events for systems when hardware status
Related procedures
Configuring e-mail settings
Configuring modem settings for paging
Creating an automatic event handling task
Managing event handling tasks
Configuring event filters for registered SNMP traps
Configuring SNMP traps
Configuring status change events
Related topics
Examples of e-mail pages
Creating a paging task based on e-mail notification
Events 541