Command Reference Guide

2.8 NAME 51
Status information for an FSE slot includes:
1. Name ... slot index that corresponds to physical position of the slot
inside the library,
2. Type ... slot type (repository, import/export, cleaning),
3. Status ... current slot status (full, reserved, free),
4. Medium ... barcode of the medium that is present in the slot.
(<empty> string is displayed if the slot is free).
A "reserved" slot is physically empty, but it is reserved for storage of
the particular FSE medium, which may be currently loaded in an FSE
drive or put offline.
The name of the FSE library to show or update inventory in.
–u, –update–inventory
Trigger inventory update on the FSE library LibraryName.
–R, –rescan
Specify, that physical slot rescan has to be done during the inventory up-
date. This option may only be used together with the –update–inventory
Disable operation of FSE library Name. Disabling the library means putting
it offline in case it needs maintenance. Note that unless additional option
–force is specified, the command demands FSE administrator’s confirma-
tion before performing this operation. Default answer to the confirmation
question is "No".
Enable operation of FSE library Name, which is currently disabled. En-
abling the library means making it available to the FSE system again.
–h, –help
Print the usage information for this FSE command.
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference