Command Reference Guide

2.8 NAME 52
–v, –version
Print the copyright and version information for this FSE command.
Configure a new FSE library from the configuration file main_library.fse:
fselibrary –a main_library.fse
Remove the configured FSE library named lib_main:
fselibrary –r lib_main
Remove the configured FSE library named lib_supplemental; skip confir-
fselibrary –r lib_supplemental –force
Show the current configuration of the FSE drive named system_lib:
fselibrary – –show system_lib
Show the configuration history depth for FSE library named lib_archive_2:
fselibrary –s lib_archive_2 –H
Copy current (latest) configuration revision of the FSE library named
storage_library to a file storage_library_cfg.fse in the current directory:
fselibrary – –show main_library > storage_library_cfg.fse
Apply a new configuration for the FSE library named lib_archive from the
configuration file new_archive_library.fse:
fselibrary – –modify lib_archive new_archive_library.fse
List names and states of the currently configured FSE libraries:
fselibrary –l
Retrieve additional information about the currently configured FSE li-
fselibrary – –list –D
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference