Setup guide

The FX (Dry/Wet) knobs located at the top of the X1, control the overall amount of the cor-
responding TRAKTOR effect unit. Whilst using the Touch Strip, practice turning the corre-
sponding FX (Dry/Wet) Knobs to either lessen or increase the overall amount of the effect
3.7.4 Using a second X1 controller's FX
Using two X1 controllers provides you with even greater potential to control TRAKTOR's ef-
fects. In particular, you can make use of a second X1's effects by:
Hold SHIFT+ press an FX Assign button. The left-hand FX Assign button (on either side
of the X1 device) will then assign to the left-hand FX area of the second X1 device,
whereas pressing the right-hand FX Assign button will assign to the right-hand area of the
second X1 controller.
For a list of Deck combinations and corresponding TRAKTOR effect units, please refer to
section 3.7.1, Assigning an Effect.
You can use the second X1 controller to assign effects using the same process to the first
X1 controller.
The potential of using two X1 devices means that you have four TRAKTOR effects units to
choose from.
When using a second X1 controller, you are unable to assign an effect to another device's
Touch Strip.
Key functions when using the X1 with TRAKTOR
Effects Section
Traktor Kontrol X1 Mk2 - Manual - 34