Setup guide

There are three FX buttons (numbered 1-3) on each side of the X1. When a TRAKTOR effect
unit is set to Group mode these buttons will in the majority of Group effects combinations trig-
ger an individual effect from the group.
The secondary functions of these buttons can be activated via:
Pressing SHIFT + FX buttons (1-3) will toggle to the next effect of that Group section.
Holding SHIFT whilst pressing a number of times will toggle further through the available
FX Knobs
FX Knob
There are four FX knobs on each side of the X1. Each knob corresponds to controlling the ef-
fect amount, or the parameter of its adjacent FX button. The uppermost FX (DRY/WET) knob
on either side of the device, controls the overall amount of either the Single or Group effect.
The other FX knobs control then, either specific effect parameters of a Single TRAKTOR effect,
or in Group mode an individual effect from that combination.
Whilst in Single mode, the secondary function of the (uppermost) FX knobs can be operated
Pressing SHIFT + moving the FX knob will toggle through TRAKTOR's effects.
Whilst in Group mode, the secondary function of the FX knobs can be activated whilst TRAK-
TOR's effect units are set to Group mode via:
Pressing SHIFT + moving the FX knob (1-3) will toggle through TRAKTOR's effects of the
corresponding Group section.
For more information on using the X1 to control TRAKTOR's effects, refer to section 3.7.2,
Triggering an Effect in TRAKTOR .
Hardware Reference
FX Section
Traktor Kontrol X1 Mk2 - Manual - 41