
To Edit a Group
The contents on already created groups can be edited.
The group name cannot be changed when the "All Devices" tab is selected.
To add or delete a device to or from "All Devices", see "Registering Devices" (page 7).
1 Click the tab for the group you wish to edit and select "Group Setting (G)" and then "Edit
(M)" from the "Option (O)" menu.
The "Group Setting" dialog box appears.
2 Using "To Create a New Group" (page 15) as reference, change the group name, and add or
delete a device.
3 When the editing is completed, click the "OK" button.
To Delete a Group
The already created groups can be deleted. ("All Devices" cannot be deleted.)
1 Click the tab for the group you wish to delete and select "Group Setting (G)" and then
"Delete (D)" from the "Option (O)" menu.
The "Confirmation" dialog box appears.
2 Click the "Yes" button.
The group is deleted.
Customizing the Device Information List
The device information list on the main screen can be customized to make the list easier to use.
To Select Items for Display
The items you wish to include in the device information list can be changed or sorted.
"Device Name" is always displayed.
Make Changes and Perform Sorting Using the "Column Settings" Dialog Box
1 Select "Choose Columns (N)" from the "View (V)" menu.
The "Column Settings" dialog box appears.
Disp_Manager_E_p12-23_old.p65 08.4.18, 16:0016