Getting Started Guide

19TouchScreen TCA 400 Getting Started Guide – Installation
Develop an emergency evacuation plan for use in the event of re. Here are some
recommendations from the National Fire Protection Association.
Make an evacuation plan for how to leave your home in the case of re or other emergency.
Sketch a map of your home that shows all the doors and windows. Discuss the plan with
everyone in your home so that everyone will know what to do.
Have at least two ways to exit each room. Make sure that windows and doors open easily.
Discuss with your family and agree on a single meeting location outside your home.
In the event of re, get out and stay out. Don’t go back inside for people, pets or possessions.
Do not open a door if the handle is hot.
If there is smoke stay low to the ground and go under the smoke.
Escape your home before calling the re department. Call the re department and police
from the outside meeting place using your cell phone or call from a neighbors phone.
Practice your home evacuation plan.
Do not wait until an emergency occurs to make a plan. Talk to each other about what each
person should do in dierent types of emergency.
Learn your security system. Get to know how to arm and disarm it and what to do when the
authorities or central monitoring calls.
Make sure everyone (who should know) knows the Secret Word, when to use it, and that it
should not be shared.
Understand the dierence between your keypad code and the duress code.
Understand that you should never enter the premises if you hear an alarm. Call police from a
cell phone or a neighbors phone.
Evacuation Plan
Additional Emergency Preparations