Digital Amplifier User's Guide

4.2 J1 Amplifier Connection to MC012 Controller Module
4.3 Loudspeaker Connectors (J3 - J6)
System Interfaces
The recommended TAS5102/3 power-up sequence is shown in Figure 4 . For proper TAS5102/3
operation, the RESET signal should be kept low during power up. RESET is pulled low during power up
for 200 ms by the onboard reset generator (U2).
Figure 4. Recommended Power-Up Sequence
Table 4. J9/J10 Pin Description Amplifier/Controller Connector
Net-Name at
Pin No. Description
1, 2, 5, 6 ,10, 11, 28 DGND Low-current ground for modulator/controller
3, 4 PVDD1 PVDD buffered through 24- resistor to power the modulator/controller
7 OTW Overtemperature warning from the amplifier (T > 125 ° C)
8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21,
NC Not connected
22, 23, 25, 27
12 PWM_A Channel A PWM signal from modulator
14 PWM_B Channel B PWM signal from modulator
16 PWM_C Channel C PWM signal from modulator
18 PWM_D Channel D PWM signal from modulator
24 RESET Resets the TAS5102/3
26 FAULT Power stage fault indicator
Both positive and negative speaker outputs are floating and may not be
connected to ground (e.g., through an oscilloscope).
Table 5. Output Pin Description
Net-Name at Schematics Description
OUT_A Speaker positive output
OUT_B Speaker negative output
OUT_C Speaker positive output
OUT_D Speaker negative output
TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the TAS5102 and TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power Output Stages10 SLLU106 August 2008
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