Network Router User Manual

2.3.3. Bridging Router Setup
When 852 to 852 bridging router mode is enabled the GG router has two IP side 852 interfaces.
One is labeled the Side A and the other the Side B. Both interfaces share the same IP host address
but each interface has a unique IP port and a unique conguration server (when in Normal
mode). Each side can be in either Normal or Manual mode independently. In addition, Serial
Transaction Mode can be independently enabled or disabled on each side. e description below
only includes those elds that are unique to Bridging Router mode. When 852 bridge mode is
enabled there could be up to two conguration servers, one for each of the bridged channels, that
is, Side A and Side B.
When 852 to 852 Bridging Router Mode is enabled, the router setup page looks like the following.