Network Router User Manual

2.4. IP Setup Page
e IP Setup Page displays status additional information about the Gateway's IP setup not
included in the Router Setup page. Following is a brief description of each item listed on the page,
as well as instructions on how to set or change items. In normal mode the page looks like the
Fig.2.12: IP Setup Page
MAC Address: e physical address of the Ethernet interface in HEX. is is a read only eld.
IP Address: e IP address currently assigned to the Gateway. is is the unicast IP host address
of the router. To change the value in the eld, type in the new value in the dotted format
XX.XX.XX.XX and click the Submit Changes button. e IP host address change will not take
eect until aer the router is rebooted. Be careful to record the new address as it will not be
possible to communicate with the GRouter without a valid IP address.
Subnet Mask: e IP subnet mask assigned to the router. To change the value in the eld, type in
the new value in the dotted format XX.XX.XX.XX and click the Submit Changes button. e
subnet mask change will not take eect until aer the router is rebooted.
Gateway: e address of the IP router or gateway used by the GRouter device to reach other
devices that are not in its local network. To change the value in the eld, type in the new value in
the dotted format XX.XX.XX.XX and click the Submit Changes button.
Web-Server Port: is eld allows the user to change the IP port used by the embedded web
server on the device. e default is port 80. When used with a NAT router and port mapping,