User Guide

Ampex 1308911-02 C-1
Result Codes and Machine Status Introduction
Appendix C
Result Codes and Machine Status
C.1 Introduction
This section defines Ampex DST/DIS tape drive Result and Machine Status Codes. This
information is intended to aid service personnel in diagnosing and correcting problems. It is
reported by dd2_status_drive.
Note: Acronyms used in the following tables are defined at the end of each table.
Table C-1. MSI Result Code Definitions
Hex Meaning
0 00h No Error
1 01h CRC
2 02h Parity Error
3 03h DMA
4 04h MSR
Timeout - MSR did not responded within the
timeout time allowed for a specified operation.
5 05h Internal Error
6 06h MSR Aborted
7 07h No Position
8 08h At Filemark
9 09h Not Ready
10-255 Reserved
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check
DMA = Direct Memory Access
MSR = Mass Storage Recorder